Image of Colette Kurylo

colette kurylo

Cluster Leader

Image of Felicity Nichols

felicity nichols

Deputy Cluster Lead

Image of Janet Sylvester

Janet Sylvester

Child & Family Practitioner

Image of Sherrelle Poole

Sherrelle Poole

Child & Family Practitioner

Image of Sara Day

Sara day

Child & Family Practitioner

A Woman Silhouette

Holly Broadhurst 

Child & Family Practitioner

Shazanna Qayum

Child & Family Practitioner

Naomi Skotny

Child & Family Practitioner

Tim Brighten

Schools’ Therapist

Rajesh Singh

Attendance Officer

An image of Melanie Hiles

Melanie Hiles  

Schools’ Therapist

Wendy Beaumount


PC Graham Meek

Safer Schools Officer