Services for young people

Below are a variety of external agencies that we regularly signpost young people towards. Please click the logos for further information.

  • Battle Scars is a Leeds charity who support those affected by self-harm. They run local face-to-face services and national virtual services alongside their ever-growing worldwide Facebook group.

  • CATCH are a charity based in Harehills who offer opportunities for young people to gain valuable volunteering and professional experience that can help them build skills and confidence to reach their full potential.

  • Childline supports young people under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything with their trained counsellors and their support is free, confidential and available day and night.

  • CyberSprinters is a game which helps educate 7-11 year olds about staying safe online. Within the game, young people take on the role of a cyber sprinter and answer questions about online safety.

  • Getaway Girls empowers girls and young women to support each other to build confidence and resilience and develop new skills in a supportive, positive environment.

  • Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community offering free, safe and anonymous support.

  • The Leeds Local Offer provides information for those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). It shows families what they can expect from a range of local agencies, including education and health and social care.

  • Shantona Women’s Centre offers a support system that aims to inspire and empower BAME women, children, young people and families to be confident, independent and resilient.

  • Teen Connect is a helpline for 11–18 year olds in Leeds with support via phone, text or online chat. They are a small, friendly team of people who have experience of managing their own difficulties.

  • The Market Place offers free, confidential support to 11-25 year olds in Leeds, including counselling, group work and drop-in sessions.

  • The Toy Foundation collects millions of toys from toy companies and distributes them to thousands of children’s charities around the globe, to make play possible for struggling families.

  • Young Minds are the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health.