Services for families

Below are a variety of external agencies that we regularly signpost families towards. Please click the logos for further information.

  • Citizens Advice have a network of independent charities who offer confidential advice on situations such as consumer rights, they support witnesses through court and also give pension guidance to those over 50.

  • Engage Leeds are a team of housing support staff who help people city wide on a one-to-one basis. They also have specially trained staff who can help those affected by memory issues, employment needs or other support needs.

  • Feel Good Factor are based in Chapeltown and work with communities across Leeds providing activities, projects and services to improve access to health and wellbeing opportunities for some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.

  • Forward Leeds offer free and confidential alcohol and drug support for people in Leeds through a range of treatments, no matter how simple or complex a person’s needs are.

  • GIPSIL works with children, young people and families in the most disadvantaged communities in Leeds to realise their potential. They provide housing and support across Leeds to enable people to live in their own homes.

  • LATCH stands for Leeds Action to Create Homes. They are a unique charitable organisation that refurbishes derelict and run-down houses in the Chapeltown, Harehills and Burley areas of Leeds, for people who are homeless or in a housing need.

  • Leeds Domestic Violence Service (LDVS) supports all people in Leeds affected by domestic violence and abuse. The organisation works to help clients access the best support for them from a range of community-based, trauma-informed support options.

  • There are a range of Children’s Centres in Leeds that provide services for families and young children including parental workshops, drop-in sessions, midwifery appointments, advice clinics and stay-and-play sessions.

  • Leeds Housing Options are there to support you if you’re homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. They also offer support in other housing situations, including leaving hospital, fleeing domestic violence or making adaptations to your home.

  • The Leeds North and West Foodbank are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK. They provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to families who are referred to them.

  • PAFRAS offer support and guidance to asylum seekers in Leeds. They provide a welcoming environment where refugees and people seeking asylum are treated with dignity, respect and empathy.

  • Scope are a disability equality charity who are aiming to achieve a society where all disabled people enjoy equality and fairness. They offer practical information and emotional support when it’s most needed.

  • Shantona Women’s Centre offers a support system that aims to inspire and empower BAME women, children, young people and families to be confident, independent and resilient.

  • The Compton Centre hosts a library, one stop centre and and job shop all in the same building, amongst other community activities.

  • The Reginald Centre hosts a library, one stop centre and job shop all in the same building, amongst other community activities.

  • Touchstone provides mental health and wellbeing services to over 10,000 people a year, whilst also working across communities to help people grow in confidence.

  • Unity Housing support BME communities while building sustainable neighbourhoods. Their main goal is to provide choice, while improving life opportunities and addressing inequalities.

  • Zarach deliver beds and basic essentials to families in need in Leeds. They also run healthy holiday clubs for children and deliver essential food and hygiene products to families.